Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Calypso Post

I came across this Entropia online magazine, maybe interesting for you all.


James Pressler said...


I was thinking about being a contributor for The Calypso Post, but needless to say I am concerned about any conflicts-of-interest that might arise. Between our soc and EU Forces, between this blog and the Post, and so forth.

I figure that anything I contribute would be published here first then offered to the Post, and of course I would try to get some "free publicity" for United Talents in whatever way possible. However, I wanted to know what you thought.

Let me know what comes to mind and I will act accordingly -- and I will have better spelling than the other articles in the newsletter.

Curly Twist Bender

Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

As Calypso Post is free to download I don't see any reason why you shouldn't contribute if you would like to do so, as long as the source "Twist / United Talents" is mentioned ;)
