Saturday, February 24, 2007

I kinda made my point now !

Just 3 days ago i made a new post on EF about the perception gain pings, and the possible connection with finding nice loot, globalling, in hunting aswell in mining. I know u get a lot o useless perception pings, but when u get one again, fingers crossed. The post was a bit full of negative replies, then i hit this ;

A hight tt Beta pistol, knight thighs F and EWE 21, nice argos!
I know compared to the HOFs underneath this is small peanuts, but it sure made me smile again ;))

1 comment:

Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

Personally "perception skill gains" never gave me anything more than usually expected (both in hunting and mining). But I am very glad to hear that other have some luck with it.
