Friday, March 02, 2007

2nd HOF since i joined UT

My second HOF. Just one item....a modified Korss400(L), but what an expensive one. At first i didn't realise, i thought it was a crapy EWE EP 21 Defender and the golden twirlies were because of a new skillgain or But my god it was a HOF, and my highest loot ever. Very strange such a HOF, with just a low conditioned handgun.... ANYWAY THANX UT and THANX MA..


Anonymous said...

O my gratz :)


Let the HoFs raining down on our happy socfaces en mass

Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

Hofs keeps comming!

Gratz Neo!

nix said...

YESSS nice Neo u must be "The One and only" !!!