Friday, March 16, 2007

Front & Rear

With the pic of the rather large rear on the right, no intro is needed :0)

"But" I just had to share, because since joining EU in November 2006, that's all I've seen of Knyx. Thanks to Vince I can now see her face.

Feel free, when I'm not in EU, to stop by here and rub on the pic (you know which one) for good luck ;o)


nix said...

"But, but, but... I remember that Butt, yeeeeeess" was all i was thinking

HAHAHAHA good one KNYX, just rubbed it, lets have a look what global i get after this lovely interaction


Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

Hahaha lol Knyx :)

I still wonder how you manage to put that a large butt on our blog. :p

Gratz for the butt... And I rub the pants to dust ;)

Knyx said...

Wow Vince.....I thought that was rug burn I was feeling back there ;o)

Anonymous said...

Always nice to see your head for a change I believe. Beware of burn as I will rub till I get an ATH :D