Hi all,
I think its time to do a beacon run again :)
I have a becon ready to use.
I im planning it for Saturday April 28, 20.00 MA time. Thats 22.00 Eurotime i think .
You are all invited. I think a mission can take 12 members so there is plenty of room.
Hope that time works for many of you. If not we might have to reschedule.
Its the easiest beacon so all should be able to come.
Some tips:
- Make sure you have as good as possible burn and penetration protection and fap. We must try to stay alive.
- Not all have to fight drones. Some are needed to run and open boxes. So you dont have to be a good hunter.
- The mission starts from north of Aegis mound. Make sure you have that tp.
- Read Pinkys beacon guide at http://www.entropiaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=31839.
- Its a big help if you print out the maps on http://www.pe-wiki.info/Gallery.aspx?image=514 so we all now where the boxes are.
See you there :)