Monday, April 16, 2007

Weekend Bot Fun

Hihi! I figured I would try to post on the blog =) So here are some pics of the globals gotten this weekend on bots!

The pictures are in reverse order from how I got them, my noobness in blog posting =)

The first one, Twist and I were in party together.. The second and third were when Slayer and I were teamed up., And the last one, I was alone.

It was alot of fun! Bots are fun to hunt!
Till next time,


Quitin Psycho Sirius said...

Those are some proper globals, congratulations to you and your partners in crime! I do so love it when people put the hurting on those bots;)


Teshik said...

I have done some serious bot hunting in the past and even though i have made profit on them many times i have never taken a global from them. so massive Gratz!!!
Well done death to the Drones!!


Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

Wow, yes this looks amazing... Seems you don't like our metal friends.

A big gratz for all those globals (also gratz to Twist and Slayer ;))

Ciao ma bella,

Anonymous said...

Seems not only I have globaled this weekend. May our good runs last forever :)