Tuesday, April 24, 2007

So after a nice weekend (2 team globals on ambus and one on a argo) I kicked of monday with a little bad return hunting. Today however I went solo, trying to get something nice, and being a little nostalic I went to the place where I looted my first amp (an A102), but the loot really really sucked there, so I returned to argus because the atrox south looked too mean to me. I blasted of some snarksnots and exas to get to lvl17 lasersniper, when I got glowies on a snarksnot, so I think, hey I'll even do a little profit (already burned 4k with my breer); but when I looked closer I saw this:

Too pitty, only beni was online at that time, but hey, the most important thing is I not only got my first hunting HoF, but I broke the 1k border :)))
And to say that I was already happy cause I got a phonecall from a company to whom I send a letter, they needed someone desperatly :)
So with some luck (99% sure) I'll have work at 2km from my doorstep (temperarily ofc), wich means I wont even have time to blow away that 2.5k peds :D

your favourite SocBitch
Deity Acronoid


MissEviL said...

OH OH!! Nice! Big time grats on the HoF and the Job!!=)

Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

SuperGRATZ with this Uber HOF!

Wish ya luck both in EU and IRL ;)
