Tuesday, August 28, 2007

United Talents expansion?

Greetings, society members! As I am sure some of you have heard, there are rumors about United Talents branching out and forming another society for recruits, with our main society standing as a group for training society graduates. The idea was first discussed this weekend, and a number of ideas were put forth. Here’s a little summary of what was mentioned, proposed, and put out for further discussion:

-- The training society would be called something like “United Talents Cadets” or something that implies it is a first-stage group (comments and suggestions are welcome). It would be run by one of the current members of United Talents. A couple of socies have already volunteered to head the new recruit soc, but others are welcome to put their name in to the contest.

-- There would be a fixed promotion requirement to move recruits up through the ranks. New cadets (pupils?) would get their first stripe once they found Wolverine Hope TP. After that, they would progress in line with their abilities. It has been suggested that rank be set on the following criteria for the cadet’s highest ability: 1-9 = first category, 10-19 = second category, 20-29 = third category, 30-39 = fourth category, 40+ is graduation to United Talents main group. Also, if the pupil chooses to perform many tasks and trains in a variety of skills and abilities, their rank could also be based on the average of their Strength, Intelligence, Agility and Psyche times two rather than highest single ability. Of course, this is all up for discussion, and soc members are invited to comment about whether this is too strict or too lenient.

We would also want to provide an incentive for people to want to ascend to the main United Talents soc rather than go freelance or start eyeing other societies. Of course, there are plenty of ways to do this, but it would help if we had a unified plan. One thought was for the higher soc to have a soc store that would be available for higher members to sell their crafted goods. Since I do not know the full details about store ownership, it would be an issue worth investigating. Being a formal mentor for the young cadets would be beneficial as well, and it would provide them with a mentor version item at the end and hopefully instill a little loyalty in them. Of course, they could go on our big hunts and so forth, but this is all up for negotiation. (I suggested that we occasionally hunt the cadets ourselves in a PvP for sport, but people didn’t think that was a great idea.)

Sorry to make everyone do all this reading, but we think this has a lot of potential. What we need right now is ideas and input. Once a bunch of thoughts are put together, we can vote on a solid plan and really expand our numbers. Of course, the top priority will still be to have a good time, but isn’t it more fun to have a good time with a few hundred of your best friends rather than just fifty?

Comment on this bit as soon as possible. I’m gonna go hunting morsilex now, but I will be looking for comments over the next couple of weeks.

Curly Twist Bender


Teshik said...

this sounds like a good idea to me and i willl try to think of some things that might help.

1 Question though as i am only LVL 20 in my highest skill does that mean the dreaded DEMOTION to the "Cadets"


Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

First this for Tesh: Twist aren't talking about "40+" in Professional Standing. But in attributes like "Agility", "Psycho",... Because that are skills that can't be chipped.

The one that will lead the new society, how can he leave back to the main without disbanding? We should investigate that. It would be fun if we can change leadership easily.

One almost against the EULA is creating an ava that doesnt really exists. Creating the society and then join the society with the real ava, so you can leave whenever you want to... Hmmm. maybe bad idea, just brainstorming...

I would love to see such a society... Who is candidate? I heard DJ, Twist and Neo are!

Another problem is cross-soc-chatting isn't possible! A pity!!

More thoughts and suggestions welcome!

Teshik said...

Creating another avatar to lead the soc may not be a problem. I have 2 other avas that i can use my 2 disciples who are my children irl. so i have control of them and can log in at any time.

Quitin Psycho Sirius said...

Dear soccies,

@VinzZ: So that is how you think of me, as the attribute "Psycho"... that's soooooooooo cute!!!

About changing the leadership of the junior soc:
The new leader-to-be joins the junior soc.
Soccies vote him to be the new leader.
Old leader leaves the junior soc.
Old leader joins mother soc.

Me being a wuss:
Please don't take the second avatar route, it makes me feel quite uncomfortable.

About motivational issues:
A soc store has got to be the most appealing thing which I have ever heard mentioned! (not counting unrealistic stuff) This however does require either a lot of peds on one avatar or trust, since only one person can own the store and thus everything inside it. Making the shop exclusively accessible to soccies is an option in the shop management settings. The shopowner would have to be online regularly to accept and place new goods. The shopowner would have to keep records of all these transactions...brrrrrrrr

So much for now. Cheerios soccies,
Quentin 'The Attribute' Sirius

MadLion said...

So, now here are my 2 cents to it:

At first i have to say that the idea of an Cadet-Society is really nice. But i think the problem of inter-societary chatting isnt that big. It should be the goal, that the cadets help each other within the society. If there is no solution for any problems there, they could ask one of the members of the mothers soc. In context with that id suggest a society-forum. Its easier to use for discussions or explainations and so on than a blog. I could manage that including webspace and so on. Actually id love to do so since it will bring me lots of programming-practice! ;) So the cadets are given another possibility to resolve problems.

The idea of a society-shop is also great. And i think that one ava can handle that since he has no massive expenses to come. Monthly fees could be paid by all soc-members, so we talk about some pec per member. The only thing he has to afford is the acquiring of the shop but he will get back most of the invested money anyway if hes about to leave Entropia permanently for whatever reasons he has.

Keeping records about the shop isnt the problem, i think.