Monday, November 13, 2006

Go Sweat and Global

Something happened last night that i have been waiting so long for. My first Global. It was so unexpected because I was not hunting but sweating.

I have never liked sweating but not haveing much spare cash I cant deposit much at the moment so with Acronoid as my teacher and guide we set of in search of Snables. And shortly after some hunters blasted their way through our sweating party complaining about bad loot I struck it big 88Ped from a Snablesnot male Young. I only killed it because it was dry.

I was so excited yes!! I finally got my Global!!

Acronoid thankyou very much for all the tips on sweating and for taking me to Camp Caravan.
your time will come.


Vince VinzZ Zyon said...

Gratz Man! You really deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I was looking to this post and :ahh: my first global has finally come :)))